Walmart carries the small bottles of new Gain Dish Washing Liquid for $0.99. Use the $1/1 Gain Dish Liquid coupon from yesterday’s P&G insert to stock up on FREE dish soap this month!
Gain Dish Liquid Soap, $0.99
$1/1 Gain Dish Liquid, exp. 9-30-10 (P&G 08/29/10)
FREE after coupon!
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Thanks, Common Sense With Money!
I have coupons for this…but none of the stores near me have it yet. Oh well.
I got my 16 bottles on Sunday at 2 Rite Aids-they were .89 cents each and I got the overage on each one!
I tryed to buy this at my walmart in Grove City, OH but they refused to take my coupon b/c it cost 0.97 and the coupon was for a dollar. I hate walmart.
Next time that happens, ask for a manager bc they have to take it. They refused my coupon once until someone told me that they would take it. The next time I went, I asked for a manager and ever since then, I havent had problems.
Maria S.
Finally someone else comments about this happening, thank you for commenting about this.
This happened to me months ago with just one penny difference, I tried a few more times at different locations and differnt coupons valued at just a penny or two more than the item costs were always denied.
I know so many others will stand their ground and call every manager in the store over and start a mile long line behind them, but that’s not me at all, if a coupon is denied then I’m just out the savings.
it’s the principle of the matter…they are not respecting corporate policies, so yes, i will put up a fight for whats right :)
If I have a problem at Wally World like that I ask for the store manager, not the floor manager. ( The store managers name is listed at the top of your receipt. ) I ask for them by name , Now!! That is all it takes most of the time.
It’s also free at Harris Teeter if you have one near you!
Tara Kuczykowski
They are definitely supposed to adjust the coupon down, so I agree — ask for management if they refuse.
My Gain coupon went through (after talking with the manager) but he wouldn’t allow the $1 Tide coupon for any size on the travel size (97 cents), stating that the fine print says on the “brand size(s) indicated”. I pointed out that the coupon states “on any ONE Tide”. He agreed but said the picture is for the consumer and fine print is for the store. But if a cashier would allow it, he wouldn’t argue. And he was impressed at my total purchase for $1.29 – 4 4-pk Oreo packages (used 2 $1 cpns), 4 Gain dish soap (used 4 $1 cpns) and a 4-pk White Cloud TP (used $1 cpn). Asked when he could sign up for my next coupon class. ha. Told him I have been couponing for over 25 years! To top it off, the cashier thanked ME for being so patient. Don’t know if the others in line behind me were.
Check your price, I was just at walmart to use mine and it was 1.97. Held off on it for now in case the price drops…
I have seen this at Wally World where the price on the shelf is higher than the sale price. But I will take ever how many I want , then check it price on the price checkers out in the isles . Most of the time it shows up the sale price. If not I leave them on the shelf where I am.
Maria S.
I don’t see anything in Walmart’s coupon policy about accepting (or not accepting) coupons at a higher value than the item costs
In my opinion, and I guess I’m the only one here that thinks this way, is that if a coupon beeps and prompts the cashier to check the value of the item I’m trying to use it on, then it’s their unofficial way of not accepting those types of coupons. In my experience, it’s not the cashier noticing the coupon value, the computer stops it. Also, don’t you think they have these types of items priced just under the coupon amount for a REASON?!? I DO
Sure would be interesting if EVERY person that was denied using a higher value coupon than the item costs at Walmart would leave a commment.
I guess I’m not a “cut-throat” coupon user.
Tara Kuczykowski
Maria, the register beeps to prompt the cashier to adjust the coupon down so that customers don’t get “overage” by using coupons. I’ve been working very closely with Walmart on their coupon policy, and it’s definitely within their policy to adjust coupons down if they are valid on the item they are being applied to. In fact, Target just reprogrammed their registers to automatically adjust down, so this is a standard practice at stores.
Tara I know you are the way I do. If I have an item that cost $.75 and have a coupon for an amount over that price say $1.00 and the store adjust down to $.75 then the store sends in the coupon for redemption the they get a $ 1.08 credit. on a $.75 purchace. My store would do that alday long. Wouldn’t you?
you have to separate manufacturer who issued the coupon and the store.
it is not the store absorbing the cost of the item subject to the coupon. the coupon amount will be paid to the store by the manufacturer. so the store pricing the item cents below the coupon face value is not a pricing strategy of the store to price its way out of an imagined loss.
Gain dishwashing liquid soap is on sale at Rite Aid this week for $ .89. I always have a copy of any store’s coupon policy w/ me when I use my coupons because 8 out of 10 times I will encounter some type of problem. It used to bother me but I’m so used to it now, I just instruct the cashiers on what they need to do and will bust out my policy of that particular store if I have to :)
Rev. Robin
You go girl :)
Right on Girl.
Dizzy Mommy
I had this issue at Rite Aid about the coupon being 1 penny over on the butt paste. I showed the store manager the ad where it showed the Gain coupon, her end coment was not her problem if Rite Aid wants to contridict what they tell employees and took it. I felt it was a small victory but one none the less.
Can’t wait to try this product.
My Rite Aid has tons in stock! I bought one regular scent and 2 apple mango tangos! I love the smell of it and it was freeee! I did buy some other items in the same transaction to absorb the overage- the register never beeped or anything!
Dollar General had the smaller bottles for $1 also, for those having trouble w/ WalMart.
How do I access the coupon?
Rev. Robin
FYI : Fellow coupon redeemers…
By law and/or policy they are not allowed to adjust the coupon down as this is against the agreement between the stores and the manufacturers of said item. They have to adjust the price of the item UP to match the coupon. just thought you’d want to know.
These managers who are adjusting the coupons down are in direct violation of the policy.
Tara Kuczykowski
Do you have a link that explains this in more detail? I’ve never heard this. Both accomplish the same end result, so I’m not sure why it would matter.
Maria S….I’m with you….I’m a very laid back chill person and I never do anything to bring attention to myself….So if I have problems with a coupon, I leave! But then again…I rarely have any problems…In my 2 years of using coupons I’d say I have had about 10 probs and 9 of those was at Wags…The reason I no longer shop there! Ha! (:
I went to Walmart last night and had 4 Gain coupons and TRIED to buy my 4 bottles of dish soap. The cashier wouldn’t take the coupon and wouldn’t adjust the coupon or adjust the price of the dish soap. I took my coupons back and left UNHAPPY. When I got home I checked out the coupon policy online and unfortunately it DOESN’T say anything about this. I think I will ask a manager next time.
I do not have the coupon. Is there anywhere I can download it pnline?
Tracy H.
This coupon was in the P&G insert in the 8/29/10 Sunday papers for $1 off any size Gain dish detergent. I haven’t heard anyone mention an internet printable.
Just got mine today at Walmart…it was .97 & they took my $1.00 coupon with no problem :)
OK, so I cannot figure out how to get this coupon for the Gain Dish Soap… do I need to sign up somewhere? I searched the web and could not figure this out!!! Help