There is a HOT New Bengay coupon for $5 off any Bengay Product. Walmart sells this for just $4.23, making it better than FREE after the coupon!
Bengay Original, $4.23
$5/1 Bengay printable
FREE + $0.77 in overage after Coupon!
Hurry, I don’t think this coupon will last very long!
Heather from Passion for Savings is the Deal Seeking Mom Store Expert for Walmart. At Passion for Savings, she combines her love of great products, her passion for shopping and the art of saving money to educate her readers on the best products and best values available.
Toni Navarro
Now which product is the $4.23 for? I have $5 Q’s for Bengay cold pain relief products does any1 know how much those are?
i went to two differnt walmarts the word is that the whare house is out of them they have the one for 6 something so i just got that one and will havet to keemy wyw out for more
My walmart has them! They are in a yellow box.
what zip code do you use?
I got them at Target and they gave me the overage!
Rena Morrison
I went to Walmart but all the bengay were around 6.82 so still used a coupon and saved some money but they were not 4.23
Patsy D
Was not directed to any site that listed any BenGay coupons. Bummer, could use right now.
Went to two walmart’s and Bengay was over $6.00 … I am confused
The bengay is $5.99 at my walmart.