Strawberry Shortcake is big in our household right now since daddy picked up a couple of Happy Meals for the girls while I was away last week that had the miniature dolls in them. Why spend that kind of money on a Happy Meal when you can get two of these sets for the price of one meal at Toys R Us?!?
Buy (2) Strawberry Shortcake Berry Cruiser Sets at $14.99 ea.
Use $5/$25 Toys R Us Purchase coupon
Use (2) $10/1 Select Strawberry Shortcake Products, exp. 10-18-10 (SS 09/26/10)
$2.49 ea. after coupons!
Hopefully they’ll still be excited about them in a few months because I plan to put them away for Christmas.
Thanks, Passion For Savings!
Where do I find these coupons?: Use (2) $10/1 Select Strawberry Shortcake Products, exp. 10-18-10
Kelley Hepler
I am wondering where to get these coupons too, I would love this deal!
I got this at Target the other day for 48.99 using the coupon. $2.49 is a better deal but i didn’t need two. Guess i could of used the other for a gift. Dang!
Sorry i meant $8.99
Tara Kuczykowski
The $10 coupon was in the Smartsource newspaper insert this past Sunday (9/26).
The MC’s were not in my insert this week. Bummer! This would have been a great Christmas Gift!
FYI: If you missed Sunday’s paper, they carry them all week at the Dollar Tree for $1, so it is probably cheaper then if you had bought the paper on Sunday!
rachel b.
ooh, i didn’t know dollar tree had the newspapers! Thanks Robyn!
do they have the newspapers with the coupons? I know a lot of places that sell newspapers but they don’t typically have the inserts.
I live in VA. There wasn’t a SS insert in my paper this weekend and I was looking for it specifically for the Strawberry Shortcake coupon. darn!
I have some of these coupons I’m not going to use since I have boys I would be happy to send someone some if you want to email me I will send them out tonight so maybe you can use them by sunday. [email protected]
elva Duhon
I would love to have them! I have 3 grand-daughters just a week apart. So I thought this would be a great gift! God Bless you!Thanks again Elva
elva Duhon
And also if you have the my little ponies or Iron man,too
This also goes for the other set on the coupon which is also 14.99 at Toys R Us so you could get 2 different toys and pay the same amount! I think I will go tonight and try to get them at mine for my little one!
I live in metro Atlanta. I bought 2 Sunday papers last weekend, 2 smartsource inserts, no such coupon. Bummer. Must be a regional coupon?
Another site said it was a special, Play-Saver coupon insert, in addition to the SmartSource, RedPlum, and P&G inserts.
I have a giveaway for these that ends this afternoon sometime!
In the ss 9-26-10 there was A little Play Saver insert, which has game coupons. HTH also you can try (I am not sure if they have the strawbwrry shortcake coupon but it is worth a try)
Thanks for the great find! Just FYI, we had the Play-saver insert in The Tennessean newspaper here in middle Tennessee! YAY!
No play saver insert here!! I’m in West Virginia!! What a bummer!!!
Kristin Moore
Hey Heather! I am in WV too and I got one. I am not sure which paper it came from but I buy the parkersburg, the charleston, and the columbus papers. Just wanted to let you know!
I am in Charleston and I got my Mom’s inserts and her neighbor’s hoping there was a coupon and none of us had one!
It was a separate Hasbro insert inside the SS insert in Metro Atlanta. B1G1 Littlest Petshop! Yay! has also released some awesome new coupons, but not the $10 off. Most of the printables were $5 off boys and baby toys.
Oh, yay I will go this weekend! Great coupons! If you missed getting the paper there are several websites that sell clipped coupons.
Just went to Toys r us and tried using all 3 q’s and was told that I could not use the $5 off toys r us q because the total after the 2 $10 off q’s is less than $25. They scaned the $5 off q first.
What did I do wrong. Is it because I only had 2 items and 3 q’s?
Tara Kuczykowski
It sounds like they’re just trying to be difficult. The store coupon should always be scanned first and applied to the pre-coupon total because they’re going to get reimbursed for the manufacturer’s coupons plus handling. You could always try again later with a different cashier.
Aw, Lori!! That stinks! I would think it would work if they scanned the $5 first… :(
SOLD OUT! It’s $19.99 at Target, so half off, but I’m going to keep trying for Toys R Us.
Target will price match if you have the toys r us ad. Did this yesterday and got the rc car for $5. Still not bad when my toys r us is out and they don’t know if they will get anymore in stock.
I also had the same problem at Toys R Us. I told them to scan the $5 off $25 first and then to do the $10 off coupons next. It kept not taking off the $5 coupon since the total after the $10 off coupons was below $25. My nice cashier kept trying and finally just took $5 off one of the Strawberry Shortcake toys to get the total down. This was a great deal! If your store is out of S.S. toy be sure to get a copy of the ad that expires on Sunday and Target or Walmart will price match for the $14.99 price and with the $10 off coupon your total is $4.99 each. I went around to all my neighbors and asked for their coupons if they were not using them. I got 3 coupons that way. Doesn’t hurt to ask!
I too did not get these coupons – are there any clippers selling these? I checked couponcarryout but no luck :( Guess I wouldn’t get them in time for this particular sale, but maybe later on?
I used to get a lot of good baby purchases at Toys R Us and Babies R Us by using the $5 off $25 in store coupons and 20% off one baby item coupons.
However, just starting this past summer, I believe that Toys R Us/Babies R Us updated their systems so that the following is now true:
1) The $5 off $25 coupon comes off the final price after all coupons even if it is scanned first. If the price goes below a $25 at anytime during the same, the system boots out the coupon.
2) You can only use on coupon on a specific item (not including total purchase coupons). This means that you can’t use a $3 off specific store item coupon and a 20% off any item coupon on the same purchase.
You used to be able to use all 3 kinds of coupons together, which made things a really good deal. However, now I don’t think I’ll shop there that often. Prices are often cheaper at other stores anyway!
I meant “This means that you can’t use a $3 off specific store item coupon and a 20% off any item coupon on the same ITEM.”
THANK YOU for this deal! I was bummed because I didn’t get the Hasbro insert in my big city paper on Sunday, so I ordered 2 of these q’s online. Yesterday I got my small town paper and the insert was in there! So I grabbed my neighbor’s(who moved out LOL) and headed to ToysRus last night. I ended up paying 6.98 for both!!!!! AWESOME!
Can you get those coupons online anywhere? I did not get them either and my daughter would love to get the strawberry shortcake and little pet shop toys for christmas.