Target released a great new $5/1 Select Women’s Denim Items printable yesterday that can help you score some fantastic deal on jeans right now!
People have reported finding clearance jeans for as low $4.98, which would make them FREE with this coupon. Be sure to print yours today, as these never last long.
Thanks, Common Sense with Money!
Think I’ll pas on this one-if they are that low, gives you an indication of the overall quality.
Will stick with my Levi’s 514.
I know free is +tax is still not worth it….
Come on! Where is your frugal spirit? lol
you know what they are mossimo pants and they are nice and you don’t even have to pay sales tax! WHy complain??? It’s free!!!!
I agree! Dont complain! I picked up 2 pairs for myself today! I am pretty happy with them!
+tax is still better than $20+ on levi’s +tax. I’ve had lots of pairs of jeans from Target & NEVER had any problems with them! Looking forward to this great deal! Thanks!
I agree do not complain! I picked up 2 pairs myself today!! I am happy! Also no sales tax on clothes where I live so even better!!!
Mrs. Bivins
Sooooo glad I got this!!! Looks like a shopping spree is in order! The apparel coupons havent been that great lately, these totally make up for it, and I for one am stoked!
I picked up a pair and after the coupon I spent $1.24 woohoo going back for more tomorrow :-)
Can somebody please scan the coupon for free jeans and post it since the website is out of prints…i would really appreciate…
Tara Kuczykowski
Hi Kary! Unfortunately, copying or scanning coupons is considered fraud and is actually illegal. But like all deals, chances are we’ll see this one again at some point so you’ll get another chance!
I’m pissed that I was not able to take advantage of this deal!!! Can someone scan the coupon like Kary said???? I need some new clothes & this would have been perfect for me.
Who’s going to know & who’s going to tell????
It’s illegal. It’s coupon fraud. When people do thing slike that, it makes it worse for the rest of us. There are places that refuse to accept these awesome legit web coupons thanks to people who do illegal things with them.
I’m more than happy to wait for the next time it comes around.
Tara Kuczykowski
Well said, Rachel!
I agree! Let me know if anyone didn’t use theirs or if it comes up again!
can i get this coupon now..didnt get on site..