Request your FREE sample of Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent with Triple Action in Mountain Breeze scent. You should receive your coupons within 6 to 12 weeks. If you’d rather have an UltraPack sample instead you may want to wait a few weeks as you are limited to one Purex sample per year.
Thanks, Freebies 4 Mom!
San Diego Deals and Steals
whoa! that was fast! already gone =(
Laura C
may want to try again! just requested mine and said it would be here in 6-8 weeks.
Really? I just requested my sample without any problems. Hmmm…..
Not sure what problem that first commenter had, but it’s still available this morning.
I tried signing up very early this morning. At that time, it said they were out. I just tried again now, it said only one. I guess by trying earlier that counted as my one? Not sure but glad others were able to get it :)
Julie J.
Pag could NOT be found :(
Sample is no longer available