Whether you prefer to pay with cash for all of your purchase or just don’t have a bank account, Walmart has a really great new solution to shopping online without a credit or debit card. I recently had the opportunity to test out their new Pay With Cash program, and it’s super simple to use!
So how does it work? You simply shop online at Walmart.com, and then at checkout you select the Pay With Cash option. At this point, your order will basically be put on hold and an order page will be generated for you to print and take to your local Walmart for payment. Once you get to your local store, any cashier can pull up your order and you’ll be able to complete your purchase paying cash!
I ordered a set of photography books online with the Pay With Cash option on Friday morning. Once an order is placed, you have 48 hours to pay for your purchase in store, so I headed over to Walmart on Saturday afternoon. I stood in the first available checkout line, and the cashier pulled my order right up. Then I paid with my cash and was on my way. I was surprised to find that I’d already received a confirmation email by the time I got home, and I received a shipment notification later that evening.
I think the Pay With Cash program is such a fantastic program for those of you that haven’t been able to shop online up until now, and I’d definitely encourage you to give it a try. You can also order gifts this way and have them shipped directly to the recipient while still paying cash for the purchase in stores — so convenient!
Disclosure: I am a participant in the Walmart Moms program. Walmart has provided me with compensation for the time and effort spent creating this post. However, my participation in this program is voluntary and my opinions are my own — always have been, always will be.
So how did you get your product? Did you have to get shop for it or was it ready for you at the register?
Tara Kuczykowski
Tammy, it’s being shipped to me just as if I’d completed the entire purchase online with a debit or credit card. In some cases, you can also use the Site to Store shipping and pick up your item in store; however, it won’t be shipped until you pay for it in store first.
With this program, can customers use coupons when they pay? I always disliked finding different online prices (compared to Walmart’s store prices) and then being unable to use coupons. Thanks!
Tara Kuczykowski
I checked on this for you, Keri, and unfortunately the system isn’t designed to accept coupon at this time.