If you’re on a Mac and have recently upgraded your OS to Max OS X Lion, you may have run into some trouble printing coupons. If so, here is an easy tutorial for downloading Java and getting the coupon printers to work again!
If you’re on a Mac and have recently upgraded your OS to Max OS X Lion, you may have run into some trouble printing coupons. If so, here is an easy tutorial for downloading Java and getting the coupon printers to work again!
Ladette Kerr
Thanks for sharing.. I haven’t upgraded yet, but will VERY soon. I know I will need this. :)
Thanks…It is frustrating when you go to print a coupon, and all of a sudden it won’t print when they have in the past and you do not know why! Very helpful :)
Jenn B
Thank you so much! This is very helpful to me as we just got a new iMac.