Papa John’s is offering America a 50/50 chance at a FREE pizza – based on correctly calling their new Super Bowl Coin Toss. You could say there’s never been so much “dough” riding on the game! Here’s how to get in on this possible FREE pizza offer:
- Enter Papa John’s Super Bowl XLVI Coin Toss Experience
- Call “heads” or “tails” for the Super Bowl coin toss as part of their interactive video
- Sign up for Papa John’s Papa Rewards online loyalty program
- Be ready for when Papa John’s announces the results of America’s vote – “heads” or “tails” – on Feb. 2
- Watch the Super Bowl coin toss on Feb. 5; if America’s “call” is correct, all Papa Rewards members will get a FREE large pizza and 2-liter Pepsi MAX
So if we’re already a Rewards member, do we need to do anything? Other than just wait and hope for free pizza of course!
Anisa bradley
we are top of the hill on winnoa ave in Warsaw Indiana