Now’s a great time to score some great Holiday Clearance deals from Philosophy (up to 50% off!). Click on the “Holiday Sale” navigation option and you’ll find several pages of great deals – some could go as-is or repackage them to make some sweet Valentine gifts! You can also get $5 off your order over $25 when you use promo code JAN5OFF25 during checkout. PLUS you can enjoy FREE shipping with promo code THANKS when you choose economy shipping.
Thanks, Common Sense with Money!
I can’t get either code to work. :(
Okay, got it to work, but have to enter all letters in lower case and also limited to one code. Still a great deal on great products! Got two birthday gifts for $25 with 2.5% back from ebates. THANKS!
I couldn’t get the code to work either – finally accepted the code but didn’t discount anything off my total (which was over $60). Still great deals on their products, though!