This giveaway is now closed, and I’m so excited to tell you that we have THREE winners. What an incredible community you all are, and thanks to Rachel H and Tomoko, I have two extras to give away! The winners are: Nikki (#65), Laurie (#1617) and Karissa (#2567). I’m forwarding your coupons to you as soon as I publish this!
Thanks to Rachel’s generosity, we have another Old Navy Weekly coupon to give away to one lucky Deal Seeking Mom reader. Rachel won’t be using her $45/$100 Old Navy purchase coupon, so she asked me to pass it on to one of you.
This coupon expires on Thursday, 9/3, so we’re going to make this quick and easy. Leave a comment to enter. Enter as many times as you wish. My only stipulation is I ask that you please do not enter unless you know that you absolutely will use this coupon given the very short timeframe you have to spend it!
I will close the comments and draw a winner at noon EST tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. I already have the coupon in my possession, so I will forward it to the lucky winner immediately!
Obviously not us!
Great coupon.
It would be great to win…
Julie N
who won?
Julie N
Looking for the winner…
Julie N
Noon…central time?
Julie N
No, it says EST.
Maybe she is just building the suspense up. :)
does anybody know who won?
Julie N
wish we knew who won
Mama Bear
I thought that the winner would be posted by now.
me too!
Julie N
me three!
Ashley Walter
I’m really going crazy! I want to go shopping! :)
Who won!
……wondering if there is already a winner……..