If you have a Meijer mPerks account, make sure to head over and check for a dollar off coupon. I found a $5 off $5 or more purchase coupon in my account. My husband’s account had a $2 off $2 or more purchase coupon.
Thanks, Spectacular Savings!
Sarah from Give Me Neither is the Deal Seeking Mom Store Expert for Meijer. At Give Me Neither, Sarah finds joy in helping her readers simplify saving, showing that there’s a place for quality even in a budget and that living richly doesn’t mean you need to be rich.
Thank you for posting this. I had $5 off too!!
I had 2 off of 2 better than nothing!!!
we have 6 phones, they all got $5….hip hip hooray I get to double my weekly grocery budget. I’m going to have to strategize what nbpr rebate to fill.
I have a Mperks account but couldn’t find this coupon. I was wondering where you go to find it. I looked through every coupon but didn’t find any like you mentioned.
Tara Kuczykowski
Jennifer, this deal expired on Sat. Hopefully we’ll see it again soon.