It’s that time of year again! Check with your local McDonald’s to see if they have these Valentine’s Day Coupon Booklets available! These booklets cost $1 and each one has 12 coupons for FREE items. You’ll get three of each of these coupons for $1:
- FREE Apple Dippers
- FREE Small Apple Juice or Milk Jug
- FREE Small Cone
- FREE Hamburger
Priced at just $1, these are a fantastic treat to hand out to kids for Valentine’s Day and also inexpensive enough to hold onto a few for yourself to treat kids throughout the year. These coupons are valid for children 12 years and younger. One coupon per person, per visit.
Thanks, Freebie Finding Mom!
Vinish Parikh
Great, My 13 year old cousin will love this and it will be a great gift for him from my side.
Do you know if all mcdonalds carries them? I live in Columbus, OH and trying to find out one that does.