Kroger is offering $25 in FREE groceries when you transfer a prescription. The $25 credit will be loaded to your Kroger Shopper’s card for use on a future purchase and automatically deducted when you scan your shopper’s card the next time you shop.
If you plan to use coupons on the shopping trip that the $25 credit is redeemed, plan to buy more than $25. The cashier will be prompted to deduct the $25 before coupons are scanned. To ensure that you get full use of coupons and the $25 credit, makes sure your total after coupons will be above $25.
The transferred prescription offer may not be available in all areas. Check with your Kroger pharmacist before you initiate the transfer. This offer is not valid when transferring from one Kroger store to another. Offer expires 6/12/10.
Taking advantage of transferred prescription offers is a great way to get ahead with your grocery budget!
Renae from Madame Deals is the Deal Seeking Mom Store Expert for Kroger. At Madame Deals, she teaches others how to make dollars out of change with store deals, recipes, money saving tips, ideas on stockpiling and fun family activities.
Thanks for the heads up! We shop a Kroger affiliate who usually has very similar sales about a week or two later. Do you have to have a coupon for this credit or just mention it to the cashier?
Renae @ Madame Deals
The circular in my region, Mid Atlantic, stated to ask the pharmacist for more details. I would ask the pharamcist at your Kroger affiliate store if they are participating!
Actually, I just did this on Sunday, and the cashier scanned all my coupons first and then asked me if I wanted to redeem my pharmacy rewards.
I should also mention that I split my pharmacy reward up between 2 transactions (I was buying the Huggies with the $3 off promo and did 2 separate transactions to get the $3 off twice). My first transaction only came to $8 something, and the cashier used that much from my $25 pharmacy reward and the rest of the reward remained on my shoppers card. I then used the remainder of it on my second transaction. So, there is no need to make sure your order is over $25… don’t have to spend it all in one transaction.
Renae @ Madame Deals
Thanks Emily! I know that some people reported that the $25 was coming off before the coupons were applied. If they had more coupons than what the balance due after the $25 came off, then it would make the total in the negative. If the cashier applies the $25 after all coupons, then you are right, there is no problem!
I live in Cincinnati region and ours is only offering 1,000 pts on your Kroger card which is $1 off gas. Id prefer free groceries like you guys!
Just you you guys know… you can do multiple Rx’s!!! I earned $50 in rewards for transferring 2 rx’s. Today I transferred 4 more. You get 25 for each, and they tend to be cheaper than Walgreens!
Our pharmacist (in Georgia) told us that we can transfer and get up to $500 in Rx rewards. So 20 prescriptions can be transfered.
My husband threw away my circular with the coupon. Is there anywhere online to find and print it?
I have a coupon thats says transfer but the pharmacy at Kroger wouldnt take it because it wasn’t a refill. I dont know if they all do this or just this lady but just letting you guys know. Even though the coupon only states TRANSFER, you must transfer a refill
@Angela- I had the same thing happen to me and I argued with the Pharmacist that the wording did not specify that it had to be a refill and I asked to see that policy in writing. He then went ahead and gave me the $25 credit.
I was wondering if you could use this coupon at Publix as a competitor coupon, and if you do , will they also try to say that it has to be a refill? Anyone have any experience with this?
Just a heads up…the prescription that you tranfer has to be one you have actually filled. I tranfered one for my sons inhaler that was on file at CVS and Kroger would not honor the gift card promo.
Amber, that’s $1 off each gallon of gas, not $1 total, unless you’re only getting one gallon of gas.
so i went and got my 25$ dollars for transferring my RX today, but i have a question, i have 2 other prescriptions, would i be able to pay for them with my 25$ i got and then get 25$ more for each of the prescriptions so making it a total of 75$? and can these 25$ credits be applied to gas at the kroger fuel stations?
Renae @ How to Have It All
Hi Josh,
I don’t think you can use the $25 to pay for gas or a prescription. Those two items are usually excluded.
hello :-) does anyone know if i can use some of the $25 I have from this to buy cigarettes from Inside the store???
my wife just transfered and they wouldnt give her the $25 in FREE groceries because we have tricare being in the military. they told her that any goverment funded insurance ie medicade, medicare, tricare and so on and so on couldnt get it so i take it you can only get the deal if you dont have insurance. I think they just need to have that on a sign or something to let people know. O and on the Commercials they have out for the promo.
I went in to the kroger at Lynnwood in Jackson, TN today and transferred three prescriptions. The girl working at the register said you can only get one rebate no matter how many prescriptions you transfer and only gave me the 25 instead of 75 I was expecting. I dont know if this is just this store or what but I know others who have gotten 25 for each prescription. Also you can have insurance, just not government funded insurance.
I am interested in grocery coupons that off $20 to $25 coupons in exchange for a new or transferred prescription.
I was also told that because we had Medicare plus Blue (which we pay for both) we were not entitled to the $25 in groceries.) I wasn’t sure if it was their policy or Medicare. I guess it’s theirs and I think it stinks. As a senior citizen I am feeling like they’re all out to get us.
I was told, in a rather uppity way, by the pharmacist that they would not honor the coupon because of my medicare. “It’s a govt program and they negotiate prices”, she said, like she was looking down on it. Nevermind that ALL insurance co’s negotiate their prices. Would they not honor the coupon if you’re a govt. employee? How is it any different? What are they going to do when states offer insurance to everyone? I pay for my medicare just like someone else pays for their insurance. It’s just a reason for them to get out of honoring the coupon, in my opinion. I transferred all my prescriptions to my nearest Wal-Mart Neighborhood store, and I will NEVER set foot in Kroger again.
Hi is this the rt form to receive your mail out coupon package of coupons? As well as gas rewards
The Kroger in Elizabethtown Ky. told me they would not honor the 25.00 because a federal law prohibits them from any incentives on a controlled substance.I think the pharmacist that worked this Sunday on Ring Rd. in E-town was wrong.Anyone know if this is true?
I used this promo a few weeks ago and all of my receipts that print out say I have $25 Rx dollars but they were not deducted automatically. The next time I checked out I used a self checkout and there was no option to use them when I went to pay and the time after that I specifically asked the checkout clerk and they were like “I have no idea about that you’ll have to ask at customer service”. Well Customer service had a huge line and I didn’t feel like waiting with my melting groceries so I still haven’t been able to use the $25 credit that all my receipts say I should have.
Jeffery Sproles
I did not receive the $25 for my new prescription 276 494-6006 is my phone
I just redeemed a $75 coupon for a prescription transfer. It came in the mail! Winning!
Patricia Garnett
Such a shame that they advertise this deal and when I called they said that if you are on Medicare you NOT eligible! I have been a loyal customer of Kroger for almost 50 years and do not think this is fair. I did not choose to have to be on disability and Medicare and now I’m being punished because my prior Pharmacy closed. I’m highly disappointed.