Check out a cool new site and you could be the lucky winner of a 16GB iPod Touch (ARV $299)! is your digital resource for news and milestones in your hometown and community. Just like your local newspaper, xtra xtra features the following milestones from locations across the U.S.:
birth, adoption, death, wedding, engagement, anniversary, birthday, academic, athletic, military, professional announcements, events, and photos.
But what sets the site apart is that all features are fully searchable making it easy to find the specific information you’re seeking! Registration isn’t necessary to use the site, but you get some great additional features when you register like the ability to send ecards and upload an unlimited number of milestones to keep your family and friends informed about your announcements.
You can even add an RSS feed for your location to your feed reader to stay on top of new milestones with ease! would love it if you’d give their site a little test drive. In exchange, you can earn entries for a chance to win a 16GB iPod Touch. What a fantastic way to put all that free music we’ve been finding lately to good use!
Xtra xtra is offering several methods to earn entries for this contest. Choose one each of any combination for up to a total of 9 entries!!!
BONUS: Refer the winner and you could win a $50 Amazon GC!
Methods of entry:
Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
1. Leave a comment (required). Check out the site and share your feedback. Is it easy to navigate? What did you like? What did you dislike? They want to hear it all because they really want to make this useful for everyone.
2. Register on
3. Post a milestone
4. Follow @xtraxtrawebsite on Twitter.
5. Send the following tweet:
Join @xtraxtrawebsite to share personal and professional milestones, and you could win an iPod Touch on @DealSeekingMom!
6. Become a fan of xtra xtra website on Facebook.
7. Update your Facebook status with the following:
Become a fan of xtra xtra website to share personal and professional milestones, and you could win an iPod Touch on!
8. Post about the contest on your blog for an extra entry.
9. Subscribe to my feed via RSS or email. You must confirm your email subscription for it to be a valid entry! Leave a separate comment letting me know you have done so. If you’re already a subscriber, simply leave a separate comment letting me know you’re already subscribed. Lovin’ my subscribers! You guys make this all possible.
Grand prize – (1) 16GB iPod Touch (ARV $299)
Bonus prize – $50 Amazon GC for referral
This giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. PST on Monday, July 6th. I’ll use to select the winning comment. Winner will be notified by email on and listed on my Giveaway Winners page. Good luck!
While you’re in a contest entering mood, don’t forget to check out the Giveaway Gathering for a variety of contests being hosted on Deal Seeking Mom readers’ blogs!
Following on twitter @macmomof3
facebook fan
subscribe to your rss feed.
Lily Kwan
I registered on
I know your giveaway is over, but I’m only posting in case the folks from XtraXtra are checking the comments. I wanted to add that when I enter a ZIP code, I’m getting stuff that’s not related to the area at all. For example, I put in 32502 and I get wedding announcements that feature people from Gainesville, which is a long way away. I don’t know if there’s any way to fine-tune the process, but I wanted to mention it.
Auriette´s last blog post..It pays to shop around.