Request a FREE sample of IdeaPaint, a paint that can transform your walls into a dry erase board that works with all brands of dry-erase markers.
I love the concept of this; however, my kids really don’t need any additional encouragement to write on the walls, LOL. Of course, this might make it easier to wipe off…
Thanks, Bargain Divas!
Anyone else notice that it says ‘dry sample’. Does that mean we will just get a piece of paper with the color on it like at the hardware store?
This company did a free paint sample once. A few weeks later I got an email saying it would be awhile before the sample came (I want to say like 8 months or something) It’s been over a year and it never came. :(
This sample comes on a postcard. It’s not actually paint.
First time they said it was going to be an actual sample you could try and never heard back like Jaime. Second time they finally sent something to confirm address and interest. Then they sent another email saying it would be a postcard with IdeaPaint on the back of it. So a heads up, that is probably what it is.
I love your deals that you share! I have been a follower (twitter & GFC) of your blog for awhile. I absolutely love it, great content! I just started a blog myself! I would love it if you followed me back! – Karissa
Kristi @ Spend Less and Save More
Same as above, I never got the last “FREE SAMPLE” they promoted.
I unfortunately never received mine either.
The last time they did this, it was just a postcard…
I too, like the others, never got the last sample they offered so I won’t even be attempting to receive anything from them. But. Thanks. Love all your other posts! Keep up the good work!
I received my free sample, and it is a 4×4 piece of drywall thats had the paint applied to it.