GalactoKidz is a virtual “space-world” for kids 6 to 13 years old with games, educational activities and a safe environment for interacting with out players. They’re currently offering Deal Seeking Mom readers a FREE membership with coupon code Beta397.
Try it out and let me know what you think!
leah w
Fun & exciting graphics – I’d definitely say it’s more for 8 or 9 years old that are comfortable navigating the computer on their own.
Right after I launched my account from my email, my computer crashed. I did not get to see what this is about but I do not intend to go back on that site again!
Kristine C
My kids have been playing on this website for a couple of months now. They LOVE it! I have a 6 year old and an 8 year old and they both play on it every day. It is so nice to have a website for my kids that is free of advertising and where safety is so important.
Jackie, your computer problem cannot be related to this website. This is a children’s virtual world that focuses on education and internet safety. You should log in and check it out.
I agree with you 110%. My daughter loves it, she’s challenged by the games and I feel good knowing that she’s not getting bombarded with advertising.
I think the timing for Jackie’s computer crashing is unfortunate. I’m sure the site did not crash her computer.
Hi Jackie, this is Elizabeth from the Galacto Kidz Support team. Galacto Kidz is web-based and you should not need to download anything. We apologize if you had difficulty accessing the site, and would encourage you to check your technical specs to see if your computer is compatible with the requirements. If so, please feel free to contact me directly at support(at)galactokidz(dot)com and I can work with you to see what the trouble is.
The site requires the following:
— For a PC:
Processor: Pentium III
Speed: 500MHz
Modem Speed: 56K modem or better
Operating System: Windows 98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, Vista, or 7
Web Browser: Internet Explorer 6, Netscape 7.2, or Firefox 1
Flash Player: Adobe Flash Player 9
—For a Mac:
Processor: PowerPC G3, G4, G5, or Intel core
Modem speed: 56K or better
Memory: 256MB RAM
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.3
Web Browser: Firefox 1.0.3 or better, Safari 2.0.4
Flash Player: Adobe Flash Player 9
Lori N.
What a generous offer from Galacto Kids! Thank you! Do you know what the duration of the free membership is?
Thank you for your time and generosity!
Hi Lori,
The free memberships will last all summer long. After September 1, the premium features will require a subscription, but the rest of the site will remain free to play.
We want to keep the learning going all summer – and open to everyone… with a computer!
I hope you and your child(ren) enjoy!
Thanks for the membership GalactoKidz! My kids each got an account last week and they are obsessed with that website! They love the games and all the bright colors. It really is such a beautiful website! Great job!
Thanks, Alyssa!
I love that your kids love the site! We aim to keep it exciting for them, too. We have the store, Galaxy Gear, coming soon and some very cool new games for 2012 (shhhh… don’t tell them, but they will be having so much fun they won’t know they are learning science!).
I hope they continue to enjoy exploring galaxies with us!