The website fine print says the free offer is not available in stores. So, if you plan to pick up in person I recommend calling ahead to make sure they have some on hand.
I could really use a case, but I can’t think of a single thing to buy from Sephora. Thanks though for posting all these offers!
Went to Sephora and picked mine up this morning =)
It says you have to purchase something online
I don’t have apps on my phone but I would love to have the IPhone case for the 3G/S for my daughter in-law in be.
I want this
The website fine print says the free offer is not available in stores. So, if you plan to pick up in person I recommend calling ahead to make sure they have some on hand.
I could really use a case, but I can’t think of a single thing to buy from Sephora. Thanks though for posting all these offers!
dick head
fuck you you a mother fuckin lier bitch