Here’s a great new $2/1 100% Grapefruit Juice (54 oz. or larger) or Florida Grapefruit (3 lb. bag or larger) printable coupon that makes for FREE Ocean Spray Grapefruit Juice at several stores – including Safeway, Meijer and Target too. Here’s the deal:
Ocean Spray 100% Grapefruit Juice (64 oz.), $2 – $2.04 ea.
$2/1 100% Grapefruit Juice printable
FREE – $0.04 after coupon!
(Thanks, “Cents”able Momma and My Frugal Adventures!)
Erica Miskin
Is there a certain zip code we need to use to find this coupon because I cannot find it.
Erica, I found it at 18051. Hth.
I found it right on top at 25064
lauren head
i have tried those zipcodes and i still can’t find it. :(
I couldn’t find it under either of those zip codes. :(
I can’t find it either using those zip codes.
I can’t find it
No luck for me either. Tried mulitple zip codes. Bummer.