Today only you can order Disney Epic Mickey for Wii for just $29.99! This is 40% off the retail price and a fantastic deal on a game that our family loves.
I don’t play a lot of video games outside of our family game nights, but this is the one that I reach for when I do!
Jessica T
How are you getting it for $29.99. When I pull it up, it is $39.99??? Thank you.
It was a gold box deal of the day. If you search for it by title, you get the regular price, not the gold box special. However, it has sold out:
Due to high demand Disney Epic Mickey has sold out, but we have another great deal for you.
I don’t see it for $29.99 either.
Just checked and they are sold out! Oh well, I knew I should have checked when I was at work! My 7 year old was just asking about this game yesterday — and said he would pay for it himself!
Tara Kuczykowski
It was a Gold Box deal, and it looks like it’s sold out. Sorry! :(