Were you lucky enough to get the $4/1 Lumene Product coupon in your 6/19 SmartSource insert? If so, you’ll be able to score FREE Lumene Products!
Lumene Sensitive Touch Cleansing Wipes, $2.99
$4/1 Lumene Product, exp. 8/15/11 (SS 06/19/11 R)
FREE after coupon!
Lumene Vitamin C+ Age Defying Day Cream, $3.99
$4/1 Lumene Product, exp. 8/15/11 (SS 06/19/11 R)
FREE after coupon!
Lumene Time Freeze Firming Day Cream (.5 oz.), $3.99
$4/1 Lumene Product, exp. 8/15/11 (SS 06/19/11 R)
FREE after coupon!
Check out these other CVS deals before you shop!
Barbara from ClipperGirl’s Saving Spot is the Deal Seeking Mom Store Expert for CVS. At ClipperGirl’s Saving Spot, she saves her readers time and money by finding rock bottom prices on items that they use every day.
Would you happen to know if these are regular price, or only on sale this week? Thanks :)
For some reason our SS didn’t have this :( Oh well! Next time! :)
This is the regular price, they are super small but concentrated. The CVS’s in Tucson actually have them @ $3.79, but I know most places are $3.99. There was an ECB on these last week – spend $20 get $5 ECB back. It was a nice MM.
CVS can adjust down the Q’s too.
Are these not consider trial size because the coupon excludes trial size????????????????????????? Would like to know if anybody has tried is and it worked?????????
Just wanted tlet everyone know, I went to CVS today and the “magic coupon machine” gave out 2$ off 2 pantene, aussie or Hearbal Essence. (mine and my moms card, so think its for everyone) If u have the 3$ off 2 coupon from the paper u can stack together for 2 FREE pantene (after 2$ EB)
No, these are not trial size.
Thanks Deb
I was able to get 2 wipes 10 ct at $2.99 each and used 2 $4.00 off coupons. Money maker!
Cant find them anywhere in tampa bay area… All CVS sold out and they seem not to be getting more…