CVS recently had a poll on their Facebook page asking people whether they preferred Cadbury Eggs or Peeps. Today they they posted:
Because of your big response to our Cadbury Crème Eggs vs. Marshmallow Peeps question, today we’re offering a one-day, in-store coupon for $1 off 2 Cadbury Crème Eggs! Just visit any ExtraCare Coupon Center today to print this special offer. Enjoy!
Head over to your local CVS and scan your card at the Magic Red Coupon Machine for your $1/2 Cadbury Egg CRT!
Barbara from ClipperGirl’s Saving Spot is the Deal Seeking Mom Store Expert for CVS. At ClipperGirl’s Saving Spot, she saves her readers time and money by finding rock bottom prices on items that they use every day.
Yeah I got one today, but didn’t realize it was only for today. I also got a $ of purchase CRT. I think it is $4/$20, exp 4/18
kim hinson
We do not have one of those coupon machines at my local CVS so how would I get my coupon?
Tara Kuczykowski
It should print at the end of your receipt, so if you have any other purchases to make, just do them first.
Ruth Ann
My CVS has Cadbury eggs 2/$1.50. So, with the coupon, $0.25 each.