Here are the latest and greatest coupons from Cellfire!
Not familiar with Cellfire? These are money-saving ecoupons that you can load to your store loyalty cards (full list of participating stores below).
These offers have all been added to the Deal Seeking Mom Coupon Database as well to make matching them with store deals even easier!
Load yours now so they’re available for your next grocery shopping trip.
- $0.50/2 Betty Crocker Boxed Potatoes
- $0.40/1 Betty Crocker Cookie Mix
- $0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks
- $0.50/1 Fun Da-Middles Cupcake Mix
- $0.75/1 Cheerios – Multigrain
- $0.75/1 Chex Cereal: Rice Chex, Corn Chex, Wheat Chex, Honey Nut Chex, Chocolate Chex, Multi-Bran Chex, or Cinnamon Chex
- $0.50/2 Chex Mix or Chex 100 Calorie Snack
- $0.50/1 Chex Mix Treats
- $0.40/1 Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Bars or 90 Calorie Brownies
- $0.50/1 Reese’s Puffs Cereal
- $0.80/4 Hamburger/Tuna/Chicken Helper Home Cooked Skillet Meal
- $0.75/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars
- $0.50/2 Pillsbury Crescent Dinner Rolls
- $1/2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough
- $0.40/2 Pillsbury Sweet Rolls or Grands! Sweet Rolls
- $0.50/2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
- $1/5 Totino’s Crisp Crust Party Pizza
- $0.60/3 Totino’s Pizza Rolls
- $0.40/6 Yoplait Cups
- $0.75/1 Yoplait Frozen Smoothie
- $0.75/2 Yoplait Go-Gurt, Trix Multipack or Splitz Yogurt
- $0.50/2 Yoplait Greek Yogurt
:: Participating Cellfire Stores
Baker’s, Carrs, City Market, D’Agostino, Dillons, Dominick’s, Fred Meyer, Fry’s, Genuardi’s, Gerbes, Giant Eagle, Harps, Hilander, JayC, King Soopers, Kroger, Marsh, Main Street Market, Owen’s, Pavilions, Pay Less, QFC, Ralphs, Randall’s, Scott’s, Shop n Save, ShopRite, Smith’s, Tom Thumb, Vons
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