Black Friday kicks off the holiday shopping season, and if you shop carefully, you can get great deals, but be sure to read these Black Friday tips before you go to be sure you don’t end up spending more than you intend!
Avoid the in-store rush when you shop
Here are some of my favorite Big Lots deals. Click the button at the bottom for the full ad listing!
50 pc. Workbench Black & Decker Junior, $30
Prehistoric Pets Cruncher, $35
Playskool Musical Gear Center, $15 reg. $20
Radio Control Extreme ATV or My Little Pony Mermaid Castle Playset (Sat. only), $19 reg. $25-$39.99
Pandigital Android 9″ Tablet, $79
Philips Digital Keychain, $3.88
B1G1 50% Off All Headphones and Earbuds, reg. $5-$20 ea.
Platinum Wind Tunnel Vac, $99
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