One of the things I miss the most from when my kids were babies is that amazing, fresh-from-the-bath baby scent. We always used Johnson’s Bedtime products on their skin, and not only did they smell absolutely amazing, but I swear that it helped them drift off to sleep faster…
As it turns out, I wasn’t just imagining that last part! Johnson’s Bedtime products have been clinically proven to help babies fall asleep faster, especially when used in conjunction with a 3-step bedtime routine that Johnson’s has put together.
3-Step Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Routine
Step 1: Bathtime — A warm bath with Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Bath is the perfect way to calm and relax your baby, helping him or her to wind down in the evening. Gently wash your baby in warm water, taking your time to allow him to enjoy the experience. After washing, gently splash water over your baby’s body to rinse, and wrap him in a warm towel, drying gently but thoroughly.
Step 2: Massage — Using Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Lotion, apply a small amount of lotion to your hands to warm it up, and then softly massage it into your baby’s skin. A soothing massage help your baby feel secure, loved, and ready for sleep. If you’re unsure of the best technique to use when massaging, Johnson’s has put together a series of massage guides based on your baby’s age.
Step 3: Quietly Off To Sleep — After a warm bath and a relaxing massage, spend some quiet time with your baby. Avoid active play, and keep this time very calm. This is a great opportunity to read, sing softly, or offer a pre-bedtime feeding.
If you have a smartphone, you might consider downloading the Johnson’s Baby Bedtime app. You’ll find the 3-step nighttime routine with instructive videos, a sleep log to track baby’s sleep session, lullabies and ambient sounds, and more — all for FREE!
Save On Johnson’s Baby Products
Last time I was at Walmart, I noticed that there was a huge Johnson’s Baby products Rollback display near the baby department, including the Johnson’s Baby Bedtime products. You should be able to get some really good deals with this $2/2 Johnson’s Baby Bedtime products printable coupon and these other Johnson’s Baby coupons!
Sadly, these days my 6-year-old has taken to using his older brothers’ Axe Body Wash. It’s hard to reconcile that manly scent with my sweet, snugly boy that likes to tell me he’ll always be my baby… He’s definitely growing up, but just maybe I’ll stick a bottle of Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Bath in his shower and see if I can get him to use it a few times.
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