The $2.25/4 Lean Cuisine Entrees printable coupon is available again! Use it at Walmart to pick up frozen meals for as low as $1.41.
Lean Cuisine Entrees (5-11.5 oz.), $1.98
$2.25/4 Lean Cuisine Entrees
$1.41 ea. wyb 4 after coupon!
Check out the current weekly Walmart deals for the best deals this week!
Thanks, Passion For Savings!
is anyone else having problems printing this coupon? it keeps saying add it to my cart and I did that?
I got same response. Had to register and then you can print a bunch of them!!
register where? I can’t get it to work! I don’t know anything about firefox. :o(
So am I. I tried adding 3 coupons and it says nothing is in my cart. IE problem?
Same issue, keeps saying to add, even though I had.
Tara Kuczykowski
It seems like the site doesn’t function well in IE, so you might try a different browser.
Crystal T.
I had to use firefox. It worked :)
I had to use firefox too. IE wouldn’t work for me either.
I’m glad I’m not the only one.
diane mauck
can’t get coupon to print, click on just the way it asks but the Lean Cuisine blanks out & then tells me to check the box – tried too many times to no avail. what good is a coupon if you can’t access it. very frustrating!!!!
Eris T
I could not get it to work using a diff browser..safari… : (
won’t work for me either :o( I don’t how to change servers lol I’m an old computer idiot LOL
Tammy F.
I was able to print one. When I tried to print another it would not let me. Saying the max number has been reached.
I found this coupon on Target’s website with their printable coupons. It printed with my Target ones but says “Manufacturer’s Coupon” and has a Coupon Network logo on the side. Expires 8-10-11.
I just had the coupon highlighted on the Target site, went to print, NOTHING! I went back – all my Target coupons had reloaded and are slightly different than they were about 20 minutes ago!
The Lean Cuisine coupon is not available or shown when I click the link where it says it is…did it disappear again?
There was a 2$ dial lotion or body wash coupon in this sundays paper. At Walmart they are on sale for 1.97$… = FREEEEE ! :)
I used Firefox to access this coupon and now it’s not even there. The rest are there but the Lean Cuisine is gone. This is too much work for one little coupon. I appreciate everything that people do to bring us these coupons, but when you can’t access them, like Diane said, it gets very frustrating!